Naturopathic Medical Doctors in San Diego
About Dr. Angela, NMD
Dr. Stengler is a licensed naturopathic medical doctor who has a passion for helping patients using nutritional and natural therapies. Her introduction to holistic medicine began in college during her junior year abroad while studying in England. She experienced first-hand the dramatic healing effects of a topical herbal therapy prescribed by a nurse for her injured foot. This positive experience, along with support from her pre-medical advisor who was researching the use of Chinese mushrooms and cancer, led to her decision to focus on integrative medicine instead of conventional medicine.
Degrees & Certifications
- BA Pitzer College Human Biology (1993)
- ND National College of Naturopathic Medicine (1997)
- MS Liberty University Master of Science in Exercise Science and Wellness: Nutrition and Wellness (2020)
- License To Practice Naturopathic Medicine in CA and AZ
- American Association of Naturopathic Physicians
- California Naturopathic Doctor Association
- Board member —California Naturopathic Doctor Association
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